
Ebook the power rhonda byrne bahasa indonesia dictionary
Ebook the power rhonda byrne bahasa indonesia dictionary

yet hey! In a world so full of people fighting, hating, exploiting, and indulging in all sorts of power trips, surely any finger pointing (even in the general direction of) goodness and truth sems valuable and a finger pointing toward the beautiful nature of love seems a great and precious contribution to our well being, and indeed the well being of the planet (the more we rest in the state of love, the less likely we would seem to exploit others or the planet's resources or animal population). From a Buddhist point of view, our nature would be described as a union of loving kindness, compassion and wisdom. which,beyond the masks and self images most of us have adopted by way of 'protection', seems to be in the nature of love. As with many realisations, Rhonda Byrne's mentioning that when we focus upon that which we love, it increases, whereas when focusing upon that which is negative, or we don't want, increases the likelihood of our encountering that, simply based upon where our attention in focused, seems somehow obvious in a way (yet one of those 'obvious' things which may have eluded us previously!) While perhaps not completely agreeing with all of what Ms Byrne writes, there seems a general sense of goodness to be found here, which gently guides and reminds the reader of our true nature. There is something of the understanding expressed here which simply resonates as true. (as we all know, there are no co-incidences, so guess this was exactly what i needed to see on that afternoon!) Rather to my surprise, i found myself absorbed by the loving wisdom which this book offers. As a student of Tibetan Buddhism, my spiritual inspiration and studies are generally within this tradition, yet i noticed Rhonda Byrne's "The Power" while browsing in a bookstore on Oxford street one afternoon, and for some reason decided to flip through the pages.

Ebook the power rhonda byrne bahasa indonesia dictionary